Pathetic Poets Anonymous

From PAF with love


It’s dark inside

In the cathedral

But I can still see all your muscles

Under your tights.

You used to have the most beautiful body in the world.

They used to bring you flowers as offerings,

Preparing your ritual bath,

Cleaning your pink wig,

Selecting the most expensive jewels for you,

Making you the cover of Vogue,

Frozen princess,

Imprisoned in the loo,

Gently put to sleep, stuffed and placed on a pedestal,

Your panties on show,

Publicly exposed.


You said: Je trouve ça tellement lourd, une vie à porter toute seule

You said: nobody thinks I’m sexy

You took all the chairs of the chapel and turned them upside down

And then you paraded yourself half-naked, one titty on display.

Fable of Dependency

It is not so easy to make popcorn

              When you don’t have a microwave.

It is not so easy to love Marx

              When you were born rich.

But. Despite me being born rich and

              Having given up microwaves

              (unhealthy, they say), I feel no less entitled

To popcorn and Marxism.

I love life. I hate all the things that stand between me and her.

              Like working in an office,

              Reporting to a boss,

Playing the bad cop,

Hurting others and getting hurt.

I have built this Machine out of me.

              I have taken the red pill

              And started ascending with rocks on my shoulders

              Towards where?!

              I wanted to see how deep the rabbit hole went.

I followed Joey Starr to the ghetto,

              Stepping in his Mercedes Benz,

              Pursued by thousands of hysterical groupies.

He has aged. And so have I.

They used to call me LuLu the Decadent Queen.

              They used to admire me for my capacity of saying NO,

              I do not agree,

              I do not consent,

              I do not follow,

              You cannot make me change my mind,

              I am free – whether you like it of not.

They used to thank me for my verticality

– they said – my spinal column

They used to praise me

Before selling me to the Orthodox court

              – like Judas.

              Will they all hang themselves with remorse?

              I don’t think so.

You bunch of pharisees!

I feel resentment towards the world.

              Pathetic resentment.

I feel feeble. Crushed. Tired. And sad.

Popcorn – I need popcorn and a Corona –

              Best nonalcoholic beer on earth.

I need salted and crunchy;

And maybe going to the movies.

The blue pill. Pleasure. Sedation.

I need …


On dirait un cadavre

Tu étais assis sur un banc et tout d’un coup tu t’es levé, tu t’es allongé face au sol et tu t’es couvert d’un plaid gris.

On dirait un cadavre

Et pourtant tu respires

Sometimes it’s hard :

Tenir une peau de banane et une télécommande pendant longtemps fatigue.

Changez !


Still life 1: Shirley @church

Cum … îti misti mâinile … doua degete de la o mâna rup o pielita de pe un deget de la cealalta …

Cum … sandalele hawaïene … slapii cu separare la degetul mare … nu te împiedica sa porti sosete (later edit: they were made for that!)

Cum … apare mirarea pe fata ta … cu colturile gurii cazute … si totusi … cu o privire calda … si primitoare

Cum … se plimba ochiul mortului pe covorul din altar

Cum … s-au strâns … un rinocer … trei telecomenzi … doua fiare de calcat vechi si ruginite … un tablou (pe la spate) … niste ochelari de înot … o valijoara – bucatarie de jucarie … cum pica o fâsie de lumina prin vitralii deasupra … de-a lungul … pe diagonala … între mine si tine … Shirley

Ça va, mamie ?



The woman behind the mantelpiece is gloomy.

Why does she sit there?

Who does she hide from?

What is she afraid of?

Flees run in circle in the chapel.

I don’t like their music.

It sounds like corpses to come.

Something must be wrong.

Or else,

We would be hearing birds sing more.

The armor on the mantelpiece is bright.



Duct tape crosses the crime scene:

It’s murder on the church floor,



Rainbow colors and roosters yelling

Outside:             COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO



Oh, shut up, you stupid bird!

Let me enjoy the silence.


Still life 2: leftovers

On stage there’s also …

A paper plane

A clock

Cat litter “Canaillou”

Some more used duct tape

Green shoes

Pink shoes

Litter box. Empty. With spoon.

WC baby seat reducer. Unused.

An accordion (turns out: it works).

An Ungaro perfume. Really strong. Really sweet. Really naughty.

A girl* playing an organ … an authentic 19th century church organ. She’s good! She’s oriental! She’s making me wanna spin my belly like an odalisque (CADÂNA)

There’s a lady with a baby visiting (MARY WITH JESUS)

* Oh, it’s the girl wearing the Jews for Palestinians Liberation sweatshirt.

There’s also a green monster on a microphone.

Where’s that picture I’ve only seen from behind? I’ll never know what it depicted: life or not.



“Archangel or whore

I don’t mind

All the roles

are lent to me

The life never recognizing The simple life

that I am still looking for Is lying

in the very depths of me

their sin has killed

all purity”

― Laure (Colette Peignot)

Dancing on Shiva’s corpse,

Killing monsters, drinking their blood and eating their flesh,

Kali sticks her tongue out to patriarchy –

Sweet goddess of destruction.



“They have said that we owe allegiance to Safety, that he is our Red Cross who will provide us with ointment and bandages for our wounds and remove the foreign ideas the glass beads of fantasy the bent hairpins of unreason embedded in our minds.”

― Janet Frame, Faces in the Water

Misdiagnosed with schizophrenia, Janet Frame was treated with electroconvulsive therapy (receiving around 200 shocks) during almost ten years of psychiatric hospitalization; saved in extremis from a lobotomy. Her doctor’s advice: never stop writing!

Circlusion (vaginal or anal sexual act where the penis is passive): the opposite of penetration, reversing the domination report (I “take” my partner inside me, so I am the active one, the doer or the decider)

Questionnaire for penetrating or circluding Safety (in our minds)

Is safety a place?

Yes, but for whom?

  • A natural park (the animals and plants inside it)
  • The people trespassing it (aggressed by the park’s safe-keeper)

There can be no safety in double standards.

What is safety between a small crowd …?

  • Kindness
  • Only speak for oneself, using “I” pronoun
  • No judgment
  • Confidentiality
  • Consent (with its corollary, respect one’s “stop”)
  • Abstention from acting upon a thought or an emotion (not slapping someone, even if we would like to do it)

o   Welcoming anger and expressing it constructively avoids transforming it into violence

o   Sublimation by art

… of strangers?

Society rules:

  • The law (it is forbidden to kill, to provoke injuries, etc.; one must respect red lights), if we all trust it
  • The habits (say “hello”)
  • Public accountability
  • Shared framework

Who enforces the rules?

  • Danger of being overzealous, abusing one’s power
  • Rigidity / flexibility around rules

Feeling more comfortable with strangers:

  • To share one’s story / to have sex (when you know you won’t see that person again)
  • Anonymity => Safety

… of fellow citizens?

Some rules differ from state/culture to state/culture

Safety is the displacement of danger to some other place elsewhere. No?

No, there can be danger in safety:

  • Incest in families
  • Pedophilia in church
  • Mistreatment in psychiatric hospital (Janet Frame)
  • When you are DIFFERENT from me, you need to be CRAZY so I can feel SAFE

Danger can also be good: to grow, to learn, to enlarge one’s conscience. There’s an erotic to risk. Risk stimulates challenge and change.

What was safety for the ones who were responsible for you when you were young?

  • Good grades
  • Reading
  • Theater
  • Not using condoms 😊
  • Not having sex

When do you pay for safety?

  • Travel insurance
  • Security services in sex clubs (sober agents guaranteeing respect for one’s consent)

If you hurt what’s mine, I’ll sure as hell retaliate. Discuss.

DEFENSE to re-establish one’s SECURITY => WAR or SAFETY?


What is the location of safety?

  • Self confidence (inside one’s self)
  • Bunker in Israel or never going to Israel?
  • Being alone? (no external aggression, but risk of self-abuse: bulimia, isolation)


Big Brother

That eye in the sky

Is it God or the devil watching?

Does it make a difference?

They both smoke anyway!


Oh Ophelia

Your naked body is covered in shame

Pieces of light over pieces of glass




Every beauty left in the world


Blue baby blue

Little blue butterfly

You’re the only one not to see your beauty


The perfect disguise

The little girl’s picture has been left on the table

Alone in a rainbow of accessories

Surrounded by pink balloons



Art, here

These walls have always been here

Witnessing monks, and doctors, and soldiers, and cults

Have they found peace

When poetry filled the rooms?


The groupies

Your pictures scattered onto the floor

Waiting to be seen

Waiting to be noticed

Waiting to be validated

Waiting to be acknowledged

Waiting for their fans


I can’t hear her sing

There’s this blond princess baby doll

Who’s disturbing me

Because naked

Because made-up with lipstick and eye shadow

Because unsmiling

Because Lolita crying at night


Because she has no voice

Luckily one small patch is holding her up against the wall

Where she can be seen and remembered and pitied by the world



Your face behind the glass looks like the Joker

Lying on the ground


There’s something birdy about you (or him; or they)

There’s something prisony (brick on brick on brick behind you)

Was this shot taken before or after you’d taken Gotham down?



You’ve handcuffed me to thin air

Living with you is like being with a ghost

I thought you’d become my new best friend

(Like cigarettes in the past)

I thought I’d no longer be alone

(With my glass and bottle, every night)

I thought I’d be in your heart, always

Never forgotten

Never left behind

I thought I had found love in you.

I was mistaken.



Lying naked on the floor

Surrounded by balloons



Looking at the sea


Maybe you should put a big red flower into your mouth and just close your eyes and dream

Or remember



You’ve let hair grow under your armpit

Will you continue playing basketball with me?



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