School of Rock (2003)

Jack Black joaca rolul unui cântaret de rock ratat, fara bani / job / grup de rock, care se nimereste înlocuitorul unei invatatoare la o scoala private foarte elitista. Dându-si seama ca unii dintre copii au un nivel musical foarte ridicat, Dewey Finn (Jack Black) se hoatarste sa creeze un grup de rock cu elevii si sa participe împreuna cu ei la un concurs de rock (the Battle of the Bands). Urmeaza cursuri de teoria si istoria rock-ului, repetitii generale si compozitii personale, dar mai ales lectii de viata (1) si revelatii de caractere & cariere (2).

Rock-ul e o filosofie de viata, un alt fel de a zice NU unei societati urâte / corupte / care a pierdut din vedere lucrurile esentiale. Rock-ul e actiune, dinamism, cautare, transformare. Fiecare dintre noi se poate regasi în rock : rebelul în punk (Sex Pistols), geniul timid în muzica psihedelica (Jimmy Hendrix), tânara diafana în pop (Blondie), grasana complexata în soul & jazz (Aretha Franklin) …

- timidul / geniul ascuns învata sa-si înfrunte parintii si sa se exteriorizeze
- scorpia îsi descopera capacitati manageriale
- efeminatul se anunta un viitor stilist de moda
- rebelul se lasa îndrumat (la tobe)
- grasa îsi da drumu’ la vocea de aur
- geek-ul clasei devine responsabil cu luminile
- etcetera, etcetera, etcetera …

Pe scurt, un film cool, cu :
- glume rasuflate (raising his first three fingers : Read between the lines!),
- rugaciuni arzatoare (God of Rock, thank you for this chance to kick ass. We are your humble servants. Please give us the power to blow people's minds with our high voltage rock. In your name we pray, Amen.),
- o viziune asupra lumii (THE WORLD is run by the Man. (…) The Man is everywhere. In the White House, down the hall, Mrs. Mullins (the school’s head master), she's the Man. And the Man ruined the ozone, and he's burning down the Amazon, and he kidnapped Shamu and put her in a chlorine tank! (no idea !) And there used to be a way to stick it to The Man. It was called ROCK’N’ROLL. But guess what. Oh, no. The Man ruined that too with a little thing called MTV! So don’t waste your time trying to make anything cool or pure or awesome, because The Man’s just going to call you a fat, washed up loser and crush your soul. So do yourselves a favor and just give up!)
- si o sursa de inspiratie pentru generatiile urmatoare (In the words of AC/DC: We roll tonight... to the guitar bite... and for those about to rock... I salute you.)


Jack Black joue le rôle d’un chanteur de rock raté, sans argent / job / groupe de rock, qui se fait passer pour le remplaçant d’une enseignante d’une école primaire privée très élitiste. En réalisant que certains enfants ont un niveau musical très élevé, Dewey Finn (Jack Black) décide de créer un groupe de rock avec les élèves et de participer avec eux à un concours de rock (the Battle of the Bands). En découlent des cours de théorie et histoire du rock, des répétitions générales et des compositions personnelles, mais surtout des leçons de vie (1) et des révélations de caractères & carrières (2).

Le Rock est une philosophie de vie, un autre moyen de dire NON à une société laide / corrompue / qui a perdu de vue les choses essentielles. Le Rock est action, dynamisme, recherche, transformation. Chacun de nous peut se retrouver dans le rock : le rebelle dans le punk (Sex Pistols), le génie timide dans la musique psychédélique (Jimmy Hendrix), la jeune diaphane dans la pop (Blondie), la grosse complexée dans le soul & jazz (Aretha Franklin) …

- le timide / le génie caché apprend à affronter ses parents et à s’extérioriser
- la salope se découvre des qualités managériales
- l’efféminé s’annonce comme un futur styliste de mode
- le rebelle se laisse encadrer (à la batterie)
- la grosse black laisse percer sa voix en or
- le geek de la classe devient responsable des lumières
- etcetera, etcetera, etcetera …

En bref, un film cool, avec :
- des blagues bien lourdes (raising his first three fingers : Read between the lines!),
- des prières ardentes (God of Rock, thank you for this chance to kick ass. We are your humble servants. Please give us the power to blow people's minds with our high voltage rock. In your name we pray, Amen.),
- une vision sur le monde (THE WORLD is run by the Man. (…) The Man is everywhere. In the White House, down the hall, Mrs. Mullins (the school’s head master), she's the Man. And the Man ruined the ozone, and he's burning down the Amazon, and he kidnapped Shamu and put her in a chlorine tank! (don’t ask - no idea !) And there used to be a way to stick it to The Man. It was called ROCK’N’ROLL. But guess what. Oh, no. The Man ruined that too with a little thing called MTV! So don’t waste your time trying to make anything cool or pure or awesome, because The Man’s just going to call you a fat, washed up loser and crush your soul. So do yourselves a favor and just give up!)
- et une source d’inspiration pour les générations à venir (In the words of AC/DC: We roll tonight... to the guitar bite... and for those about to rock... I salute you.)


Unknown a dit…
l-am vazut acum ani buni... si m-a enervat la culme...Ceea ce inseamna ca macar a avut un efect :)
cum l-am vazut cu francezi l-am vazut in era una, doua "mec" si "oke?"
am incecat sa il vad in engleza dupa aceea si tot prost mi s-a parut.. si glumele prea rasuflate pt mine :)
LaLa a dit…
Nu întelegi tu arta puRa :P
N.B. Try L instead of R for a different approach to art (juicier!) :)

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